Use a volumising shampoo and conditioner
Volume starts in the shower (or bath) so find a volumising shampoo and conditioner for your hair type and make it part of your haircare routine.
Avoid putting conditioner on roots
Tempting as it might be to slather conditioner all over our heads, this will actually make your hair look flatter! When you clean your hair with shampoo, your cuticles open up looking for nourishment and moisture, but when you whack loads of conditioner on the scalp (a natural oil source) it will make your roots appear heavy and greasy.
Half-dry your hair upside down
Start off your drying journey with your head flipped upside down - this lifts hair at the root and will rough up your cuticles for maximum volume. When your hair is almost dry, flip back to upright and blow-dry the mid-ends to smooth and soften them.