Three common hair problems and how to fix them

Want to know how to fix some of the most common hair problems? We’re here for you. Read on for our expert advice…

Problem: Oily Scalp

Solution: The best way to get rid of oily scalp and greasy hair is to improve your hair care regime. That means washing your hair with a paraben-free shampoo to clear your clogged pores and scalp. You could also try using a clarifying shampoo every so often, which can help reset the health of your hair. Diluted apple cider vinegar or tea tree oil also helps.

Problem: Dry scalp

Solution: Argan oil brings back moisture to your scalp and forms a protective layer against extreme heat. You also need to avoid using any heat-based hair styling products while suffering from a dry scalp.

Problem: Frizzy hair

Solution: Washing your hair less often and avoiding hot water can help with the frizz. Applying Argan oil can also add moisture to hair and protect it from excess heat.